At Lambda Chi Alpha, we believe individual, professional, and academic growth is central to fraternity life. We strive to enhance the undergraduate experience while providing resources and assistance to help our brothers succeed. As a result, brothers and associate members should and do perform better academically than they would if they were not a part of Lambda Chi Alpha.
Members of Lambda Chi Alpha have exclusive access to:
- Tens of Thousands of Scholarship Funds Annually
- A. Barry Capello Scholarship
- Frank Tennant Academic Fund
- Chirurg Scholarship
- Kevin Vasquez Leadership Scholarship
- And many others strictly for Brothers of Lambda Chi
- A private study lounge for peaceful studying
- An extensive test bank full of past exams
- A library of current textbooks in all disciplines
- A membership of over 100 brothers always willing to help each other
- Our brothers have majors from Computer Science to Business Economics, Engineering to English, and many more. Brothers are invaluable sources of knowledge and actively work to help the academic success of other brothers.
Nothing speaks louder than concrete facts. Our fraternity frequently has the highest GPA at UCLA, and we have also maintained the highest GPA of all Lambda Chi Chapters internationally.
For more information about our academics, please contact our High Sigma (Academic Chairman):
Jack Knowles (B.S. Cognitive Science/B.A. Political Science)
(415) 855-5033 |